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Alexa for Seniors

Alexa is a voice-activated assistant that uses artificial intelligence to respond to human commands. Once a user sets up an Alexa-enabled device, they can operate it without having to get up and push buttons or learn complicated programming sequences.

Alexa-enabled devices have many benefits for seniors.

  • Routines: Alexa allows users to create standard routines, making it easier for older adults to remember to take daily medications, set their home security systems and perform other important tasks.
  • Smart home: Seniors can control Alexa-enabled plugs, light bulbs and thermostats with voice commands, eliminating the need to get up every time they want to change the temperature, turn off an appliance or adjust the lighting.
  • Productivity: Alexa comes with several productivity tools, including calendars, timers, alarms and reminders. These tools make it easier for seniors to remember their medications and upcoming medical appointments.
  • Communications: Alexa-enabled devices have several valuable communication features, including hands-free calls and group calling. In cases of falls it can dial 911 and save a life.
  • Information: Alexa gives seniors access to weather alerts and other information that can help them plan ahead or anticipate when they might need extra help.
  • Kitchen: Alexa-enabled devices have several kitchen-related features, such as the ability to add items to a grocery list or share dietary preferences with other people.